Lifestyle Guide
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The lifestyle has been the best thing ever for my PCOS.

I have multiple sclerosis and it’s been a year that I am following the Eat Burn Sleep lifestyle almost 80% of the time.
It has changed my life completely.
I am symptoms free most of the time, never felt better in my life and I can say I feel normal again at last.
Thank you for everything.

After a year of following the EBS lifestyle, I can truly recommend it.
I am 26 and have been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 2 years ago.
I have been in remission for a year now, but I see a lot of research behind the content. A low inflammation lifestyle is the biggest treasure one can have.
The best thing about is that even when you overdo bad things and feel sluggish, you know which factors stand behind them.
Yalda gives you an extremely powerful tool which is knowledge – you know how to come back on track and feel your best within a few days again.
Yalda is passionate and provides a lot of new content for the platform and still researches and broadens our horizons, the knowledge is up-to-date.
Recently I struggled with an Ulcerative Colitis flare-up and managed to calm it down in a few days before it became serious. Low inflammation workouts are a pleasure and I am happy to work out. My body looks better than ever without doing hard gym sessions – I look and feel my best only working out at your home.
I am happy to write this review after the year on a lifestyle and prolonging my access to the platform for the following one.

I am currently on week 8 of the lifestyle, and at 45 years old I no longer need to clutch the bannister on the way down the stairs every morning!
My joint pain is much better.
I have lost 7cm around my stomach and 8 kgs. The wall of red and green bricks analogy has kept me on track without falling. Understanding what I put in my body and a newfound structure to follow with ease make a difference.

This is the reason why I started your lifestyle earlier this year: because of migraines that were debilitating and increasing in frequency, doctors offered strong meds but I wanted to know if there was something else I could do to stop their frequency, severity or even eliminate them. Your lifestyle has been amazing not only for my migraines but for my overall health. I can’t thank you enough! I’ve now subscribed to the premium and can’t wait to continue on my wellness journey! Thanks so much, Yalda!

I’ve been on the lifestyle for nine months now, and I’m so happy with my results.
I have not had a flare-up of my Psoriasis for a very long time.
It’s winter in Australia, and I normally start my light therapy to control the flare-ups, but my dermatologist said I don’t need it this year. She was very interested in how I have stopped having flare-ups and the EBS lifestyle.
I am so happy with the results that I even had a massage today: something I don’t do because I am self-conscious about my skin. I still have Psoriasis but NOWHERE near what it was like before EBS.

The EBS platform provides a wealth of knowledge for those who would like to understand how they can support their health by transitioning to an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
Yalda has done extensive research, and the advice she shares aligns with what I share with my patients.
What I love most about this lifestyle, is that it is not restrictive and therefore easy to adopt as a way of life rather than a short term fix – which is essential for lasting change.
I encourage anyone who is suffering from health challenges (particularly autoimmune issues) to sign up, you certainly won’t regret it!
Dr. Asha Chhaya
Aesthetic Doctor | Women’s Health Specialist

Yalda is amazing, I have been following her lifestyle for over a year. I’m currently training for Dancing with the Stars and using the Eat Burn Sleep program.
Reka Nagy
Model | TV-presenter | Actress | Certificated Nutritional Therapist | Winner of the Hungarian Next Top Model

The lifestyle has been life-changing for me.
I was diagnosed with ME after catching pneumonia virus 5 years ago. My body crashed after 8 months of high temp and I have been virtually housebound since and have not driven in 18 months after a UTI virus crashed me more.
I decided to join the lifestyle last July. I’m way more stable, and I’ve finally managed to drive after 18 months of not being able to, which is priceless!

Thanks so much, Yalda. I joined your platform and Instagram 6 months ago, and it has been a miracle. My ESR was 51 and now 14. My CRP is also very low now. There are no coincidences when it comes to the people God placed and planned to be in our lives.
Your Prescription for Optimum Health
Where Allopathic and Holistic Treatment for Inflammation and Gut Health Combines