Irritable Bowel Syndrome & Bloating

Managing IBS The Eat Burn Sleep Way

Three people holding their stomachs and chests indicating irritable bowel syndrome and indigestion.

Do you suffer from bloating, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), or constant digestive discomfort?

You’re not being paranoid, you’re not being crazy, we are not the generation of people who complain about their tummies.

There’s a reason why you’re feeling like this, and it might be a sign of chronic inflammation.

Let me explain. I’m Yalda Alaoui, a Nutritional Therapist and Inflammation Pioneer. I started my work back in 2007 when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Ulcerative Colitis.  Prior to that, I had suffered for many years from what I now think was probably IBS.

I had stomach pains, there were so many foods I couldn’t digest. I was rushed quite a few times to hospital when I was a teenager with terrible stomach pains and at that time doctors would check for appendicitis and if you didn’t have that they would tell us it was just a bit of gas, go home.

I now know that my gut bacteria were disrupted and unfortunately, that might have contributed to me developing an autoimmune disease because bloating and digestive issues can lead to chronic inflammation.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Bloating, and Chronic Inflammation

Let me explain. 70% of your immune system cells, called gut-associated lymphoid tissue, reside in your gut. When you have poor digestion, when you have a compromised microbiota, when you have a lack of diversity in your gut bacteria, there are great chances that your immune system health might be compromised.

Chronic inflammation is a dysregulation of the immune system so when you improve your gut health, you improve your immune system health, and you lower your chronic inflammation.

Also, you might notice that when you’re bloated you feel quite anxious and have low energy and a lack of focus.  That’s because 60% of your neurotransmitters are produced in the gut.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Leaky Gut

How can my method help you? Well, when I launched this platform my primary aim was to improve gut health and lower chronic inflammation.

All along the gastrointestinal tract, there is a thin layer of mucus. When our gut bacteria are disrupted, we lose that layer of mucus. That leads to a syndrome called Leaky Gut Syndrome. When we have Leaky Gut Syndrome little particles of food can go from the gastrointestinal tract and leak into the bloodstream. The body, the immune system, then sees that as a foreign pathogen and starts producing antibodies against those foods.

Food Intolerances and Leaky Gut

That’s why you might find that you have food intolerances, and you say oh I can’t eat this it makes me feel unwell, I can’t eat that. Most people with food intolerances in fact don’t have food intolerances. What they do have is Leaky Gut Syndrome. So don’t go and waste a fortune on tests for food intolerances, improve your gut health, and start the Eat Burn Sleep lifestyle.

The 80/20 Eat Burn Sleep Lifestyle

The lifestyle, which is not a diet, gives you that 80/20 rule to play around with so you can go out and have a drink with your friends or a meal you enjoy with your friends because social interactions are key for oxytocin production and longevity.

I very much want people to continue living a normal life and that’s why I share on the platform a little eating-out guide, and I very much encourage you to just apply the 80/20 rule for food. So when you’re at work, when you’re at home, where it is kind of boring, stick to the green lists. We have a traffic light system for food and there’s the green list, the orange list, and the red list.

Movement is extremely important. For digestive health, it’s super important to have a strong core. The vagus nerve links the spine to the gastrointestinal tract, so I share with you all these anti-inflammatory movement videos. There are over 90 on the platform – by the time you watch this video it might be over 100.

We also have over 220 recipes and for those of you who suffer from IBS, I have created in the personalized advice section, part of the premium membership, a section dedicated to IBS, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. In this advice section I give you a little protocol to come out of an IBS flare. I also give you extra guidance if you suffer from diarrhea or constipation to help you be regular and have better digestive health.

Constipation, Toxins, and Liver Health

On that note constipation is quite toxic because you keep all these toxins in your gastrointestinal tract, they go back into your bloodstream, and your liver must filter them.

If you’re in that situation I suggest you follow the Liver Detoxification Protocol which is part of the Premium Membership. You can do it for a week to three weeks, once to twice a year and that’s going to give your liver a boost. Your liver is an important organ responsible for over 500 functions including hormone homeostasis (hormone balancing), lipolysis (fat burning), and so many other functions.

Mental Wellness Support

Finally, there is a whole mental wellness section with routines to do in the morning and evening as well as relaxation videos and meditation videos. This helps to support the gut-brain connection.

So I need you to follow the foods 80% of the time, use the green lists, and do your movement. Stay away from any high-intensity or inflammatory workouts you might be doing now because those are not serving your purpose.

My method is very much a 360 method, and it is sustainable and easy to apply. So I invite you to check it out. Subscribe to our newsletter and go and check all the incredible testimonials on the website. You can use the filter for the testimonials and put “bloating”, “constipation” or “diarrhea” – it’s all in there. You’re going to read many success stories that will give you hope, motivate you, and keep your spirits up as you start on the Eat Burn Sleep Lifestyle.

Thank you so much for watching.



A female stomach making a heart with her hands and a flower on her tummy button.
EBS Verified Member

The EBS platform has helped me tremendously.

I suffer from severe rosacea and IBS.

I have done the six week reset and I can already see improvements in my face and abdominal symptoms.

My redness in the face has greatly subsided as well as any bloating I had in my abdomen.

I am so thankful to yalda this program. She is brilliant and absolute genius.

DianaTrustpilot review

EBS Verified Member

I’ve been following EBS platform for few years now.

I started as I wanted to lose weight and I did it as long as I was following the advice on the platform but the moment I started eating gluten and dairy I started to experience bloating and stomach issues.

Now I am back to EBS and I am doing great and feeling excellent!

As well I need to mention Yalda who has always responded to my questions or messages, she is keeping her standards, very professional and helpful. ❤️

KatarinaTrustpilot review

EBS Verified Member

I avoided gallbladder surgery!

I have Type 1 diabetes, and a year ago, I had some issues that doctors diagnosed as IBS. Because of a polyp in my gallbladder, I was advised to have surgery.

I started my plan with Yalda, and it was really helpful. I followed her instructions and advice, and as a result, I didn’t need to go through with the surgery.

It’s been a year now, and my condition has improved significantly.

I highly recommend her.

Honey DeylamiTrustpilot review

EBS Verified Member

I found Yalda by accident through Instagram back in 2019.

After following her page and liking what I heard and saw, I joined her platform in early 2020.

Since then I have not only lost 25-30 pounds but kept off and have never experienced bloating or food discomfort again.

I like her honesty, charm and truly respect her science based nutritional guidance.

Join and never ever look back.

MaryamTrustpilot review

EBS Verified Member

The EBS platform is a gem!

It’s a transformative lifestyle, not a diet.

My husband and I love that Yalda’s research is scientifically backed up.

We feel absolutely fantastic.

Weight loss, better sleep, elevated mood, no bloating, better digestion, clear skin, no more muscle aches, and the list of benefits goes on.

Thank you, Yalda, for what you’ve created, helping so many of us on our anti-inflammatory journeys.

Sara Trustpilot review

EBS Verified Member

I absolutely love your platform, it has helped me a lot.

It has helped with my energy levels and bloating.

My husband and I did the six week reset and we felt better about ourselves.

Having the example weeks helped shape my terrible eating habits of skipping meals to lose weight.

I absolutely love the recipes, which, according to my husband, have made me a better cook.


EBS Verified Member
J Kalush

I feel amazing, and I am less inflamed.

I love listening to Yalda explain different health issues and how this anti-inflammatory way of eating helps.

I used to look 6 months pregnant when I ate. Not anymore!!

Yalda’s plan is not a restrictive all-or-nothing plan!

You can have a night out with the girls or have fun on your vacation eating other foods and enjoying wine.

Just go back on the plan after and you’ll get right back on track!

I recommend the EBS platform all of the time.

Truly a life changer!

J Kalush Trustpilot review

EBS Verified Member
Dr Sara

My name is Dr Sara Fernandez, and I’m a Medical Doctor and General Practitioner with a special interest in Mental Health and Integrative / Functional Medicine, IBS, SIBO, and anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

I am really impressed with the quality of your work and couldn’t agree more with your principles. Your ability to formulate a lifestyle strategy around improving health is outstanding.

EBS is an excellent and professional platform sustained with thorough research and scientific information. You not only cover research for anti-inflammatory nutrition but for all medical conditions. This demonstrates how what we eat contributes to their regression or progression as chronic illness.

I applied your methods with several patients, myself included, for gastrointestinal issues, showing excellent results.

Having treated and seen patients all my career, I firmly believe that nutrition, exercise and movement, and stress reduction through means such as meditation are crucial components of treating chronic conditions.

An anti-inflammatory lifestyle improves metabolic energy, sleep, gastrointestinal and skin conditions, and joint pain by activating the body’s innate healing response.

We truly are what we eat. Even Hippocrates declared that “all disease begins in the gut”! And most certainly, in recent years there has been an explosion of scientific literature pioneering the intestinal Microbiome, and how the gut is an immune organ.

You are helping many people, and your time and efforts are greatly valued. Congratulations on helping to transform lives.

Dr Sara Fernandez

General Practitioner

EBS Verified Member

Really enjoying EBS lifestyle, have been following it for 10 months now, I feel the best in years, I have a flat tummy and suffer much less with bloating. I try to follow the program as much as possible and if I am socialising I enjoy a few treats, then I get back on the green food list.
When I did the six week reset the first week was hard but by day 5 I was feeling so good it encouraged me to keep going.
I am slimmer around my middle and have a lot of energy. My joints feel so much better. I can tell I have less inflammation in my body.
The work outs are great and because they are short I always can fit them into my day.
I love all the information and master classes on the platform, as I like to learn about health and nutrition. I use the recipe section often especially for bread and cakes.
I will be subscribing for another year in May, thanks Yalda for all your work, in helping yourself, you are now helping so many people.


EBS Verified Member

Since joining the platform 3 weeks ago, I have lost 3kg, and my bloating is gone.

I have bilateral patellofemoral osteoarthritis (severe pain in both knees) and the pain is now much less.

I feel like I can finally start doing movement videos that previously I couldn’t do because of my knee pain.

Also, all your recipes are so tasty.

Thank you so much.


EBS Verified Member

I love your platform so much. Thank you so much for everything.

I have better digestion and it has helped me listen to my body more.

Your podcast has given me the tools to create new habits and at the same time take the process calmly.

I understand the importance of stretching to improve mood and to meditate first thing in the morning to feel calm.


EBS Verified Member

Absolutely love your platform and it has helped me a lot.

Before my pregnancy, it helped with my energy levels and bloating. My husband and I both did the six week reset and felt better about ourselves. Having example weeks helped shaped my terrible eating habits of skipping meals to lose weight. I absolutely love the recipes which according to my husband has made me a better cook. Now I have a 19 week old son and I am trying to get back in shape and eating healthily.


EBS Verified Member

Thank you dear Yalda for the amazing masterclass on IBS. Full of super useful tips and information.

You are so inspiring and encouraging!


EBS Verified Member

The IBS & Digestive Issues Masterclass was amazing.

Great information on what to avoid during flare ups.

The sugar and fiber really was an eye opener for me. Continue with these masterclasses.

This is why I always renew my membership!


EBS Verified Member

It’s been a good way to reset and get myself back on track.

I just feel so much better in my body eating according to the lifestyle – no bloating, heartburn or heaviness.

And I can easily get back in better shape in no time and with no deprivation.

Oh and helps my cravings tremendously!


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