Hi, do you suffer from thyroid issues?
Do you have hypothyroid or hyperthyroid or Hashimoto’s, which is autoimmune hypothyroidism?
Or Graves’ Disease, an autoimmune disease where the thyroid works overtime?
This is the page for you. I’m Yalda Alaoui, a Nutritional Therapist and Inflammation Pioneer. Thyroid Health has been a great focus of my work for a long time simply because my mom unfortunately suffers from Hashimoto’s. I’ve seen up close what it does, and the side effects of the medication, and I always had this worry that I might develop it.
I have not developed Hashimoto’s but unfortunately, I have inherited that autoimmune gene and that’s what started me on this journey. I invite you to go and check my bio on the About page if you’d like to learn more.
My Eat Burn Sleep method has helped thousands of people around the world including quite a few people with thyroid issues. I have one of the moms from my son’s school who jumped on the lifestyle a few years ago because she suffers from Graves’ Disease.
Not only has the lifestyle really helped her but she tells me she’s in the best shape she’s ever been in because the food I advise, the workouts, and all this anti-inflammation lifestyle acts as an anti-aging method. Chronic inflammation ages the organs. So when you lower inflammation, your organs become healthier – especially the skin, which is your largest organ.
Inflammation and Thyroid Health
I have had amazing testimonials from people with Hashimoto’s. There is this amazing lady who went to get her new thyroid nodules checked and the doctor could not believe they had reduced so much. He said to her “What are you doing?” She said, “Well, I’m following this anti-inflammatory lifestyle!” She’s been following it for a couple of years and had amazing results.
We’ve had results from people with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, even when it’s not autoimmune. Thyroid issues are a growing problem in the world because inflammatory issues are rising. This is because of the way we live, our lifestyle, and the food around us has changed, and the way we live has changed.
I even believe that the fact that we have migrated to areas where we do not come from originally has probably influenced our health, but that’s a whole other topic. I should do a master class and share the results of my research on this.