My Interview On Sheerluxe: Metabolism
I was asked recently, alongside other health experts, to contribute to an article on Sheerluxe about what habits could be incorporated into your daily life to boost your metabolism health.
As I mentioned in an earlier article about How Do You Speed Up Your Metabolism? a fast or slow metabolism isn’t something that you are born with, and you certainly have more control over it than you think.
Ditching high-intensity workouts is a good start, as well as keeping hydrated!
Here’s a link to the article in Sheerluxe about metabolism health and how you can optimize it daily.
You may be interested in reading a couple of my other tips that were featured in the media:
Top Tips to Be Healthy & Happy, How to Reduce Inflammation, Top Tip for Better Sleep & How to Enjoy Eating!
Enjoy these metabolism-boosting recipes: Banana Waffles and Teriyaki Tempeh. Their ingredients are renowned for boosting metabolism, but as I mentioned in the above article: How Do You Speed Up Your Metabolism, there is a surprising factor that significantly influences how you burn energy. I urge you to take a read. It may just change your life!
Have a wonderful day!