June 10, 2022

Is Coffee Good For You?

The Health Benefits of Coffee

Hi Everyone! So many people are surprised that I advocate for a cup of good coffee* since the debate certainly persists about whether coffee is good for you or bad for you.

Coffee is certainly not discluded from the Eat Burn Sleep lifestyle, and there is one primary reason (and you may guess why). So I decided to write about it.

I will tell you what I have learned about the world’s most widely consumed drink, which often gets a negative rap.

If you are a coffee lover, you will like this post!

Does Coffee Affect Your Health?

How Much Coffee is Good For You?

How Much Coffee is Bad For You?

Should You Drink Coffee Every Day?

Does Coffee Affect Your Health?

Coffee is equated with caffeine, which is associated with many health conditions (like reducing asthma symptoms). Depending on their genetics and tolerance, some people are more sensitive to it.

Caffeine is also renowned for its cognitive-enhancing effects and isn’t just found in coffee. It is used in medications like pain relievers and migraine medication.

There’s caffeine in tea and unregulated, unsafe soda drinks that are dubbed as ‘energy drinks’ (which have the equivalent of two cups of coffee and a mountain of sugar in one serving!).

There is so much more in the amazing coffee bean than caffeine.

Coffee also contains chlorogenic acid, vitamins, minerals, phenolic compounds, nitrogenous compounds, carbohydrates, and alkaloids – among many other biologically active compounds.

The antioxidant activity depends on the chemical composition of the coffee, but all ingredients have far-ranging health effects!

Not only rich in antioxidants, but coffee is also anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, and has anticancer effects. In particular, the results of the polyphenol compounds in coffee on the immune system are associated with extended health benefits for different chronic inflammatory diseases.

Studies show that biologically active compounds play a beneficial role in the prevention and progress of chronic diseases related to inflammation, such as:

Diabetes (reduces impaired glucose tolerance, hyperglycemia, and insulin sensitivity), obesity (chlorogenic acid also appears to protect against metabolic syndrome through its antioxidant activity, which is linked to obesity), cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders, skin conditions, cancer,s and neurodegeneration.

Gut microbiota composition has improved with coffee consumption, and digestion is enhanced.

Coffee is also associated with gastric, biliary, and pancreatic secretions, which are necessary for healthy digestion.

It is found to stimulate the production of the digestive hormones gastrin and hydrochloric acid – both of which break down food in the stomach.

It also stimulates cholecystokinin secretion, a hormone that increases bile production, a part of the digestive process.

Consuming light-to-moderate amounts of coffee may prevent a wide range of non-communicable diseases compared to not drinking coffee.

Some studies suggest that coffee has a positive disease-modifying effect on chronic liver diseases, instigating further studies to evaluate the potential causative agent.

Vitamin B3 in coffee supports healthy digestion, skin, and the nervous system. Magnesium aids the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Magnesium is good for heart health, calcium homeostasis, DNA repair, and the modulation of muscle activity.

The potassium, which is present in the seeds, remains at the same concentration when brewed. This means coffee is good for water balance, hormone balance, blood pressure, and muscle and nerve health.

So, you can see why I advocate for a cup of coffee in the morning!

How Much Coffee is Good For You?

It is recommended that you don’t drink more than 400mg of caffeine in a day. So that means no more than 2 x 8oz freshly brewed cups daily, but we are all unique. Some people may be sensitive to caffeine, and a light amount could be too much.

The reason for this is that you could be genetically sensitive to caffeine. Studies show, for instance, that a particular component called polymorphism in specific genes could make one little sip absolutely enough for you. You would know if this was happening to you as your body would react.

Also, see the cautionary note about caffeine and pregnancy.

How Much Coffee is Bad For You?


Studies show that there isn’t enough information to support that coffee negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Some studies have shown quite contradictory results and state that consuming caffeine daily, in moderation, actually reduces cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Judit Simon of the Heart and Vascular Centre, Budapest, discovered: “[…] compared with participants who did not drink coffee regularly, daily consumers had healthier sized and better-functioning hearts. This was consistent with reversing the detrimental effects of aging on the heart.”

Digestive Conditions:

Contrary to some assumptions, digestive conditions are not linked with coffee, as indicated above. In many cases, coffee has positive effects on digestive disorders. E.g., Stimulation of colon motility, for instance.

Improve your levels of gut bacteria through coffee consumption.

Should You Drink Coffee Every Day?

I love a good cup of freshly ground coffee and am talking about pure coffee in the morning, not in the afternoon or evening, due to its stimulatory effects.

Trust me, if you are a big coffee drinker, you can reduce the amount despite long-term habits.

Reprogramming your mind and habits is one of the vital successful tools on this lifestyle, which is why this optimum health method is good for removing addictions and long, hard habits.

Beverages that you may have a lot of, like coffee or wine, become more enjoyable. Making a conscious effort to be healthier and seeing the results quickly invokes enthusiasm and inspiration.

As you move through the reset, your gut microbiota is improved, inflammation is reduced, and your liver is detoxed. Brain fog and anxiety lift, and you gain energy, symptoms are reduced, and as you see and feel positive results, it all kicks in. Every day, it gets better. Believe me.

However, if you don’t drink coffee already or don’t like it, you don’t need to start.

You don’t have to start drinking it because if you are following an optimum health plan, this should provide you with the nutrient compounds that I have talked about.

If you fancy a cup of coffee: 

The key message is that in the morning, in moderate doses (without all of the additives and extras), habitual coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of many chronic diseases.

So, if you are meeting a good friend for a coffee, you will maximize the health benefits by triggering happy neurotransmitters and lowering cortisol, reducing stress.

If you fancy a healthy cup of exceptional coffee, have you tried my recipe: Moroccan Spiced Coffee?

Try it with a slice of delicious microbiome-friendly Coconut Yogurt & Almond Cake. Increase your nutrition and your cognition!

A slice of coconut yogurt and almond cake, which is really good for gut health.

*Unless you are pregnant. Caffeine in coffee crosses the human placenta, rapidly reaching a similar concentration in the fetus, which can cause implications.



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