J.P. Morgan’s Health Panel Event
As part of J.P. Morgan’s EMEA (Middle East and Africa) Payments Women’s Network Takeover Week.
Empowerment, Ownership, and Self-development
WHEN: 13th June, 2023
12.30-1.30 pm GMT.
Join Yalda Alaoui – Founder and CEO of Eat Burn Sleep & Eshita Kabra-Davies – Founder and CEO of ByRotation, to hear their unique entrepreneurial journeys from the world of banking to fashion and nutrition, respectively.
They talk about their challenges, successes, and learnings along the way. As well as the crossover of skillsets between the banking and entrepreneurial worlds, with the underlying theme of resilience and perseverance.
You may be interested in seeing other events: The Organic Pharmacy: Mind Body Spirit Detox, On The Lanserhof Health Panel,
World Economic Forum Workshop, Power Breakfast Workshop: Kensington, Power Breakfast Mayfair, Dr. Barbara Sturm,
NHS: Help for Autoimmune Conditions & Sturm: Anti-inflammatory Masterclass.
For more information about Corporate Health Workshops, click here.