I joined the platform mainly to see if I could lose a bit of weight. Most people would say I didn’t need much to lose but I was feeling uncomfortable.
Since joining the platform I have lost around 6 kg and it’s constant.
I have also been extremely consistent by doing the exercises everyday (I combine with a 20 min run on the treadmill daily Monday to Friday).
My skin is clear and I get a lot of compliments on my body shape.
I wear things I wouldn’t have and I feel confident. I also really just like to follow the food regime because I feel unbloated and less heavy and I just think it’s the healthiest I have been. I still drink wine and champagne because I love it but I do it in moderation and generally follow the 80/20 rule for food.
Sometimes you don’t need big life altering problems to want to feel better, you just want to feel your best self to stay healthy for yourself, your kids and family and thats the reason I follow you and that’s why I really love your platform!